nVidia Quadro FX4800G PCI-Express 2.0 x16 1.5GB Graphics Card With G-Sync 2 VCQFXGSYNCG80 Option Add-On Interface Genlock Frame Lock Card Review
nVidia Quadro FX4800G PCI-Express 2.0 x16 1.5GB Graphics Card With G-Sync 2 VCQFXGSYNCG80 Option Add-On Interface Genlock Frame Lock Card Overview
With advances in GPU architecture and computing environments, the NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 featuring 192 CUDA parallel processing cores, provides professionals with visual computing from their desktops delivering results that push the realms of visualization.The Quadro FX 4800 ultra-high-end solution gives geophysicists, designers, scientists, engineers, and other technical professionals visual computing from their desktops. Professional applications take advantage of the Quadro FX 4800 advanced feature set, including 1.5 GB of frame buffer, providing professionals the right set of tools to deliver results that push the realms of visualization.Visualize massive modelsLarge 1.5 GB graphics memory and high fidelity color definition allows for vivid, interactive modeling.Visual supercomputing right on your workstationCombine high-performance graphics and high-performance computation for analysis of complex, multivariate data.Cross-platform and cross-industry visual computing solutionsFlexible platform to deliver professionals best-of-class industry solutions paired with Quadro G-Sync II, SDI, or NVIDIA SLI technology.
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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 20, 2012 21:00:06